Designing and implementing virtual exchange — a collection of case studies

A new book about Virtual Exchange has been launched!!! and we, Rita, Javier and I have participated on it….

Virtual exchange is gaining popularity in formal and non-formal education, partly as a means to internationalise the curriculum, and also to offer more sustainable and inclusive international and intercultural experiences to young people around the world. This volume brings together 19 case studies (17 in higher education and two in youth work) of virtual exchange projects in Europe and the South Mediterranean region. They span across a range of disciplines, from STEM to business, tourism, and languages, and are presented as real-life pedagogical practices that can be of interest to educators looking for ideas and inspiration.


Book publication date: 23rd November 2020

Our contribution:

Virtual exchange for teaching EU economics: building enriching international learning experiences for European students written by Rita Koris, Núria Hernández-Nanclares, Francisco Javier Mato Díaz

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